Thursday, November 5, 2009

SIPs: high schools

Sorry for the delay in posting these, but I was off yesterday packing. I'll be getting the School Improvement Plans up as quickly as I can, starting with the high schools. Here's some background from information disseminated at the last Board of Education meeting:
North Carolina statutes require School Improvement Plans to be developed on a three-year cycle [VCS: soon to be two-year cycle due to recent legislative revisions] with annual updates. The School Improvement Plan Team must include administrators as well as elected representatives.


The comprehensive process includes regular monitoring of progress as the building level and district level. The plan is a result of careful examination of existing goals, data, strategies, programs, and resources with appropriate evaluations built into the cycle.

Cedar Ridge High School:

[The categories are as follows: Our school's three most significant needs are/ present status/ target status/ most promising strategy(ies) to address the needs)

1. (Needs:) Revisit our Professional Learning Community efforts in order to maintain high academic growth, implement "Closing the Gap" committee recommendations, and utilize common assessments to measure student mastery of the essential curriculum in a timely manner// (Present status:) Met 100 percent of AYP goals; 87.2 percent graduation cohort rate; Improved 5 EOC test areas; 78.7 percent Level III & IV; decreased achievement gap in five areas; 80 percent proficiency on state writing test.// (target:) 100 percent AYP; 80 percent ABC proficiency; 90 percent grad cohort rate; decreased achievement gap in all EOC areas.// (strategies:) a) Each PLC will utilize the strategies learned in Diversity Training to develop methods to decrease the achievement gap; b) Each PLC Team wil develop, analyze, and share outcomes of short-term Smart Goals; c) Each PLC will continue to revise common assessments and use assessment results as EVAAS Data Analysis to identify at-risk students.

2. (Needs:) Develop and implement SmartBoard lessons and utilize other 21st Century technology resources in the classroom.// (present:) SmartBoards installed in all classrooms.// (target:) Train all staff in additional technologies; Technology IGP Goals; each PLC will share SmartBoard activities.// (strategies:) a) All PLC members will participate in SmartBoard training, NC Wise Gradebook training, and share sessions to enhance the implementation of technology resources in the classroom; b) Staff share sessions will be conducted to demonstrate and exchange strategies and SmartBoard activities; c) Staff will utilize shared drive folders to post Smart Goals, Student Watch lists, Wolf Buck Incentives, and other data reports.

3. (Needs:) Realign Pyramid of Intervention strategies to address priorities identified through student, parent, and staff surveys, shared sessions, roundtable discussions, and monthly parent sessions.// (present:) Pyramid of Interventions.// (target:) Revise Pyramid; implement PLUS Period Bell Schedule; Monthly PLC roundtable and departmental meetings; review PEP guidelines.// (strategies:) a) Create PLUS Period in order to provide remediation and re-teaching during the day; b) Develop appropriate PEP intervention strategies for all designated students; c) Conduct monthly PLC sessions, parent share sessions, and Roundtable Discussions to improve student success.

Budget: Total budget $88,593.01

Orange High School:

1. (Needs:) Improve student achievement among all student populations; reduce the Achievement Gaps between White and Black and White and Hispanic students in all EOC courses.// (present:)OHS met 15 out of 19 AYP target goals (78.9 percent); 43.9 percent of Exceptional Children scored proficient on EOC exams; OHS had a composite score of 75.2 percent on EOC exams; The graduation cohort rate for students entering high school in 2005 was 77.9 percent; OHS performance on the SAT averaged 1039 in 2008, but dropped to 995 in 2009; OHS proficiency scores by ethnicity: white = 81.7 percent, Hispanic = 68.9 percent, black = 57.5 percent.// (target:) 100 percent of No Child Left Behind AYP target goals; percentage of EC students proficient on EOCs will increase by at least 20 percent; OHS will have a composite score of 80 percent proficient on EOC exams; OHS will increase the graduation cohort rate to 80 percent for students who entered high school in 2006; OHS student will meet or exceed the state average on the SAT; OHS will reduce the achievement gap of those students deemed proficient on all EOC exams between white and black and white and Hispanic students by at least 20 percent.// (strategies:) a) Panther Period will provide time to review NCSCOS concepts in all course; b) Key vocabulary words for each content area will be taught using various literacy strategies; c) The Panther Assistance Report (PAR) will be compiled and peer tutors will provide targeted instruction in individual areas of needs.

2. (needs:) Increase use of best practices by teacher participation in a minimum of three professional development activities and implementation of at least one new instructional strategy.// (present:) School-wide survey data indicated teacher need for staff development in PLCs and 21st Century Learning Skills. // (target:) 100 percent staff participation in at least three professional development activities with a minimum of 1.5 CEU credits; (strategies:) a) Staff will attend a variety of self-selected staff development activities to include High Five, SIOP, Whole-to-Part, EVAAS, Pyramid of Intervention, SmartBoard training, etc.; b) Teachers will implement at least one new instructional strategy as evidenced by lesson plans, classroom walkthroughs and observations, and PLC meeting minutes; c) Teachers will utilize 21st Century Skills in instructional practice as evidenced by lesson plans, PLC meeting minutes and classroom observations.

3. (needs:) Reduction in the number of students who fail English I and Algebra I.// (present:) We will establish a baseline for this data at the end of the first semester. Our graduation cohort is 77.9 percent. Many of the 20.1 percent who did not graduate with their cohort did not get promoted from ninth grade. The core courses for ninth grade include English I and Algebra I.// (target:) 20 percent reduction in the number of students who fail English I and/or Algebra I. In the three year SIP progress, an improved passing rate in English I and Algebra I will strategically reduce the number of students who do not graduate with their cohort.// (strategies:) a) Guidance counselors will participate in PAR, PEP, use EVAAS, and after school EOC tutorial processes for early identification of students who are having difficulty in these core courses. Guidance will make parental contacts and collaborate with teachers on various strategies to improve student performance in these gateway courses; b) OHS faculty will conduct full revision and adoption of the Pyramid of Interventions. Faculty and staff will use EVAAS and work through the various levels of interventions to ensure that students have a successful transition to high school; c) English I and Algebra I teachers will coordinate peer tutoring and review during Panther Period and provide, as required, after school EOC tutorials that begin no later than the sixth week of the semester. The EOC tutorials will also be content specific to help students perform well on the EOC and in the classroom setting as well. Teachers will use ClassScape to create common assessments.

Total budget: $110,499.67

Whew. Middle schools in a bit.

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