Tuesday, August 11, 2009

on appeal

According to Nicole McWhirter's blog, written arguments in the case OMM v. OCS (shortened) are due to the state review officer tomorrow, with a decision due by Aug. 19.

1 comment:

  1. I have read the findings of the administrative
    law judge. These findings are devastating to
    the school systems' position, both substantively and procedurally.

    In a newspaper article several weeks ago, Ms.
    McWhirter stated that their legal fees were
    over $200,000. If the school system has spent
    anywhere close to that amount in its defense,
    significant questions need to be raised with
    the administration and with the school board
    as to its judgement in this matter. By merely
    providing the services initially requested
    by the McWhirters, by allowing their child to
    attend a pre-k class, the additional cost to
    the school system would have been minimal.
    Instead, significant legal fees and time have
    been spent to prevent the education of a child.

    While the school system may have had legitimate
    arguments to support its position, at some point the school board should have looked at
    the broader picture.



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